Monday, August 1, 2011

our lovely little bazaar

Jason and I are super excited to let you all know that we surpassed our goal for this project and in fact, nearly doubled it!! We are a huge step closer to rebuilding what we lost this year!

We are so appreciative of all who came to Our Lovely Little Bazaar, donated items, baked treats for sharing, and blessed us with your delightful company. We had a fabulous time getting to catch up with people, meet new friends, and share time together.

There are still some fantastic items left, so Jason and I will be keeping the website up (and revamp it a bit), so feel free to check back from time to time if you are in need of some shopping. ^.^  We may have a public garage sale at some point to top it all off- we'll see!

This project has truly been a success and we are so excited and hopeful in this significant first step of rebuilding our wedding savings and moving forward together. Thank you to all of you who participated, giving of your time, pocketbook and support,  Your generosity has been imprinted on our hearts and we are reminded of the beauty of authentic community.

With grateful hearts,
Kimberly & Jason
and, i'm crossing one more thing off of my list!


Jason Pestell said...

I have also been quite overwhelmed by the response of our community and friends in supporting us to make this Bazaar happen, both in the preparation and in the action of it all. We created this together, and we participated in this together. This community act of support for our desire to move towards marriage was really encouraging and so helpful.

I second Kimberly's thanks to everyone who was involved in any way, because each of those ways made a difference.