Yesterday, was Father's Day! When I get home tonight, I'm going to post pictures from our lovely day with my daddy. I'll be posting a blog all about it. It was very special and so important to me. I love Father's Day because it is an extra special opportunity to honor someone I love and respect dearly. More on our day later!

Jodi came to
Exodus last night and that was a treat. We discussed the topic of fasting and it was a relatively low-key evening. Jeremy Langill and Phillip DeVries convinced me to go to The Hat with the group following Exodus and Jodi came with me. It was enjoyable. One of my best friends, Becky Miller, her sister and my housemate Debbie Miller, and Debbie's boyfriend, Mike, are interested in coming next week. For those who don't know...
Exodus is a group that is a part of New Song (a church in San Dimas, I think) with mostly post-graduates (20-somethings+). The group exists as an interactive forum and discussion-based evening fellowship, which encourages deep and critical thinking, questions, and honesty. I enjoy it very much. I have only been going for a month or so, but I find it a very good fit for me and look forward to it every week.

Next week, we'll be starting a new series studying different religions. I'm really interested. This study stemmed from our last one (What Do Non-Christians Think About Christians?). One of the books we read,
UnChristian by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons, describes the research done by the Barnum research group. One (of the many) things non-Christians said was that, "Christians are ignorant of other religions." In Exodus, we took a quiz on other religions and most of us (me included) failed miserably. Thus, this study. I'm thoroughly excited about it.
I look forward to hearing about how the group discussions go, and about your being able to spend time with friends who are newly attending. Learning about other religions should be interesting.
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