Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jackie.

Today, is my cousin Jackie's birthday. If he's still alive, he's twenty-one. I haven't seen him since childhood when he was seven years old and I was ten. It is April 1st and I am sad and missing our innocent childhood days when we would play together for hours and hours. And Jackie wearing his cowboy boots and hat and singing his favorite song, The Green Beret to us bringing us such joy.

Ballad of the Green Beret

Fighting soldiers from the sky
Fearless men who jump and die
Men who mean just what they say
The brave men of the Green Beret

Silver wings upon their chest
These are men, America's best
One hundred men will test today
But only three win the Green Beret
Trained to live off nature's land

Trained in combat, hand-to-hand
Men who fight by night and day
Courage peak from the Green Berets
Silver wings upon their chest
These are men, America's best

One hundred men will test today
But only three win the Green Beret
Back at home a young wife waits
Her Green Beret has met his fate
He has died for those oppressed

Leaving her his last request
Put silver wings on my son's chest
Make him one of America's best
He'll be a man they'll test one day
Have him win the Green Beret.

Happy Birthday, beloved cousin. My thoughts are with you today as they so often are always.


Jason Pestell said...

Joyeux anniversaire de naissance, Jackie. Que Dieu soit avec toi et t'attire vers Lui-même afin que tu Le connaisse et qu'Il te bénisse avec sa grâce.