Monday, March 17, 2008

The Patron Saints of Ireland Have Their Day (Meanwhile, I'm tired).

I am so tired that I cannot concentrate. I've played a couple turns on Scrabulous in attempts to wake my mind, but find myself sinking futher and further into my chair until my chin is resting on the desk and my eyelids are becoming heavier and heavier in their plea for rest.

There is a bottle of White Wine Vinegar about 1/3-full sitting on my office counter and I have no idea why. Following the weekend, I often return to find my desk in somewhat (but not terrible) disarray. The tellers tend to move things around after service on Sunday. I don't mind (so much). This morning, like many, it is chilly in my office. The church is a very old building and gets very cold inside even when it is warm out (as it is today). I feel a bit silly having the heater on when it is probably 8o degrees outside.

It's Saint Patrick's Day. I am wearing my green even though my work dress code is black, grey, or white. Did you know that green is my favorite color? It is. And on a sidenote: I enjoy how Google dresses up for the holidays.


Jason Pestell said...

Je suis d'accord avec toi. Les vêtements de Google pendant toutes les fêtes sont très amusants et informatifs.

Et l'expression est: "Ne t'inquiètes plus" qui signifie "Do not worry any longer."