Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Things Involved with Work and Rent

Again, so tired. How can it only be Tuesday? I think this has to do with working 10 1/2-hour days without lunch or dinner breaks (or chances to talk with my Love).

I've been mentally preparing for next month when Jenny moves out and I sign my name on the dotted line committing myself to having the master bedroom as my very own. This mental preparation consists of me getting more and more excited (and much to my bank account's dismay purchasing pieces of art here and there with which to clothe the green walls of my room). I have never really had my own room. I had my own room for a few years before Brittany was born, but I was 0-4 years old at the time and don't remember much of the experience. I'd like to think that doesn't count.

I know I will appreciate the solitude. Being able to come home from a long day and have a quiet place to relax and talk with Jason over the telephone. It can be difficult to obtain any privacy with five other girls living in the same condo.

By the way, I am enjoying my Fire Roasted Tomato and Olive Oil Triscuits. In fact, I'm having difficulty putting them away for later. I know I am going to need something to sustain me until 8:00 o'clock, so I need to nip this in the bud.

I admit a bit of anxiousness this morning. My boss, Apphia, went home yesterday feeling all achy and weak and sick. I fear it's the beginnings of the flu. As much as I want her to get the rest she needs, I'm nervous about manning the desk today and Thursday. Normally, I work M/W/F, and I know what to expect by now. T/TH are Jenna's days (the intern). She's on Spring Break (from APU as it happens) and is out of town this entire week. I'm taking over her days, which I hear are the craziest and most stressful with students galore and parents asking questions and all the while me being the "mother hen" as Apphia says. When I agreed to the extra hours, I comforted myself in knowing that Apphia would be there to direct me or answer any questions I might have (as I'm still relatively new at the position). I'm the Office Manager, but I don't feel like the Office Manager yet. Ehhhh.

I am going to have to get some gasoline in my Toyota friend before driving out to Pasadena, which I forgot until taking out the garbage cans and leaving for Job #1 (and barely on time) this morning.



Jason Pestell said...

I look forward to the time when you are able to rest in your own personal space the size of a master bedroom :)

J'ai prié à Dieu de t'aider et de te donnant sa paix parce que la paix ne vient de personne que lui. Je t'aime beaucoup ma petite abeille travaillante.