Monday, July 12, 2010

a theatrical evening involving gender roles

Last night, I attended Jamie Criss and Allison Fode's Theatre Night: Gender Roles event.

It was an evening of worn vintage couches, smooth wooden floors, stuffy summer heat, nearby wine, and artistics wearing colorful attire that matched their souls. The setting, the evening, the creatives- combined, raised inspiration levels several notches simply because it was actually a real place, a real evening, and not some picturesque scene from an indy film that you think would be lovely, but is ellusive when you're actually trying to find it.

Several personally-written monologues were both thought provoking, humorous, and entertaining -the makes of a solid monologue that means something. An apalling article written by a blindsighted Ph.D was well-read by Allison Marie (and point taken!). Varied and original, everything, everything.

I must mention Bethany Grigsby, a spoken word performer, whose poetry and rhythmicity was captivating, intelligent, and motion-filled.  She articulates (so well) alternatives to the way our society sees.  Her words are bold, harsh even, but beautiful and true. I have heard her perform before, at a collaborative art show arranged by Paul Minagawa on racial reconciliation. She has things to say and it is important that she does.

I believe they will continue to have more events such as these. In fact, Jamie Criss and Danielle Luchtenberg are aspiring to start a pool of performing artists to culture-ize and color our community with new hues. I hope that pans out for them and their audiences.

It never ceases to amaze me: the wit of such voices. Such cleverness. Such passion. Such originality. It's refreshing and a bit intimidating, but mostly refreshing.


Ryan Lucchesi said...

Wish I could have been there, alas no car sucketh yet another cool experience from my life. haha.

Jason Pestell said...

I also wish that I had been there; the colors I see in my life are few and limiting - perspectives and understandings are such and as such difficult to see or see through.