The trouble with taking polaroid pictures, is that a scanner is required to post them online. I've tried taking digital photographs of the polaroids, but they don't turn out very well. Despite my inability to post what I've shot, I have been taking polaroids every now and then and enjoy it quite a bit. I haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet, but I haven't had much time to putt around with it and experiment.

Tomorrow, is my last day working at the church. At the end of the key, I'll hand over the set of six keys that have been a part of my keychain for over two years. I won't have my own office anymore. I'm going to miss this job. It's become so comfortable and enjoyable. I don't get stressed here. I don't have to deal with angry people. Everyone is nice and there are even some fun eccentric ones, too! I can't believe tomorrow is my last day.
Last night, I had a nightmare. I dreamt that my boss, Apphia, was having a huge publicity/donor dinner and it was being held at my condo. In the dream, my condo was much larger than it is in real life. In the dream, I was running around trying to make sure everything looked nice: the balloons, food, etc. Then, I realized that a very Christian CD was playing with a song whose lyrics said, "I am a Christian..." and I realized how inappropriate that was for this event. Apphia found me and asked me to play something different and it took me forever to get to the CD player and find another CD to put in (for some reason I got held up picking out a bar of soap and something that smelled nice to give to a friend at a mini boutique on the outskirts of the condo - go figure). As I was taking forever to do this simple task, people in the background kept commenting on or grumbling about the music and how it was a poor choice for this event (some quite rudely, too). I was panicking thinking of the repercussions should this event go wrong and we upset the guests we were hoping would donate funds to the studio. However, my alarm went off before I could put a new CD into the player and I awoke in a panic. What an odd dream.
I really don't understand dreamworld.
"I Am a Christian" is, like, my favorite song!
It goes like this:
I am a Christian.
Yes it's true.
I am a Christian.
Why not you?
I'm always happy,
and you should be too.
I am a Christian.
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