10:19am is a wonderful time to drive west on the 210 freeway. Traffic has dissipated and the road leads from Point A to Point B without difficulty. I don't even feel like exceeding 65mph. And it's an enjoyable ride with very little stress. And I listen to A Fine Frenzy and enjoy the ride.
I got up early this morning so that I would have time to make my way to Washington Mutual, the Post Office, and my favorite chai tea latte makers, Classic Coffee before heading out to Pasadena for work. It was lovely to walk into Classic Coffee and have two of the baristas say they had missed me coming in. I'm afraid I'm just not in Glendora much these days now that I'm working in Pasadena. I told them I had come because I missed it too much. They seemed pleased. I ordered a whopping 20 oz. because I have been going through withdrawal and with whip cream on top, too!
My vacation last week was wonderful and I wish it had been longer. The week was full of conversations, both light and deep. Interspersed were much game-playing, spa sitting, and the eating of delicious home-cooked meals. We did some dining out as well and introduced Jonny to sushi, which he loved.
We visited two beaches, which were quite different from SoCal beaches. They were neither hot nor freezing. I picked my favorite and chose a delightful scene of seawater beach on the left and freshwater creek and lake on the right. We made a little picnic spot right under the brush and the top of a large hill of sand. We ate sandwiches and laughed and I wrote a letter. And we got sand everywhere.

Jason took us to Armstrong Woods. This beautiful redwood forest is a state park and lined with low moss-covered fences and dusty pathways. I felt like I was in another world. We brought art supplies and Jonny and I sat and painted and Jason put his hand to colored pencils. Every now and then fellow visitors would walk by, some of them stopping to see what we were doing, and I was a little proud and a little embarrassed of my work. Water colors and I are not very aquainted with each other and I'm very unlearned. But regardless, we had a lovely time walking around the forest and snapping pictures and taking polaroids, some of which turned out quite lovely. (I still need a scanner)

On Saturday, I drove Jonny down to San Francisco and we toured, toured, toured all day at the Academy of Art. He is interested in many of their undergraduate programs including Motion Pictures, Fine Arts: Painting, Interior Architecture and Design, Photography, and Housing. We were most impressed with the Interior Architecture and Design tour in reference to Jonny's interests. Following lunch at 4:00pm (ha), we visited Admissions and Jonny was able to ask his questions and we called the trip a success.
From there, we went to the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) a few streets over and met up with Jason, who had driven down after work. At around 7:00pm, we went to dinner with my Uncle Gary and cousins, Evan and Rhiannon. Uncle Gary took us to a lovely Thai place and wouldn't let us pay even though it was HIS birthday! We convinced him to allow us to cover the tip. It was a lovely evening full of delicious food, wonderful company, and many smiles.

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