Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tonight, we walked together all the way up into the highlands. It was lovely even though I got a little dizzy walking in the darkness for so long. Our footsteps traversed uneven sidewalks where tree roots had pushed up to find space and new light. The strength of roots amaze me.

What are your goals for the next five years? They don't have to be cemented goals. They can just be ideas. Swinging both arms back and forth, eyes taking in each house and yard and driveway as we passed by, he told me his and I told him mine.

A peacock called from one street over. The lamppost's dull halo hung midair, dust and moths moving in and out of the light. And I wondered what pictures might make up these coming years together.

life picture boxes (reims, france)
© kimberly k. taylor-pestell, all rights reserved