Tuesday, December 20, 2011

new things

... a promise of marriage
... letters
... finding time
... holga
... job responsibilities
... navy cardigan

It has been light and heavy, simultaneously- light and dark, collaboratively.  and I cannot tell you where the time has gone and what has been done with it, exactly.  I can give you hints, hues, and happenstances, but no full pictures can be drawn.

December, what happened?  We were supposed to find quality time to just be together.  To cut snowflakes like last year- intricate, delicate beauties for stringing from ceilings and any edge from which they can be hung.  To learn, for once and for all, how to make those perfectly soft and chewy ginger cookies Brittany knows how to make.  To remember the Story and dwell on its beauty.  To pen and ink and watercolor my Christmas cards.  To sip hot cocoa or vanilla almond tea across the table from a friend.

Somehow, it all rushes past and I really have started to abhor the phrase, "hustle and bustle", but I will try to let that go and smile because all around me there are red, greens, and golds.  There is music circling and scents of cinnamon wafting around and twinkle lights making things feel more homey and personal than usual.

I truly do love Christmastime.  And this year, I am seeing Christmastime and the hope that is birthed with it.  And things seem to be slowing down even though, in actuality, they are speeding up.

{fuji instax mini:  their eyes were watching God}
© kimberly k taylor, all rights reserved